Welcome to Goddess’s Shopping Cart.
Here you can order supplies you need and once submitted we will contact you to finalize the order.
One of the main features is a way to save items you always order to your own personal Catalog. Using this, you can quickly select the items you need without having to look through the entire list to find what you need.
Only Logged in users may place an order. If you are not registered with us - please do so now. Register Here!
Price Disclaimer: if you see a price of an item set to $0.01 this does not reflect the actual price of the item. These items will be priced by our staff after checkout.
Due to Gold, Rhodium, Black Ruthenium, and Silver's rising prices, we have had to implement a surcharge. Please call us at the office, and we can go over that with you. The number to call is 323-525-1007
Right now (August 2020), it is ranging from 5% to 10% of list prices. All list prices are subject to change at any time. The cost of Silver, for example, had doubled in the last year. Gold is up 50%.