Clear Zip Bags with white block

100 Bags 9 x 12 x 2 MILL 100 Bags 6 x 9 2 MIL 100 Bags 4 x 6 2 MIL
100 Bags 4 x 4 2 MIL 100 Bags 3 x 3 2 MIL 100 Bags 2 x 3 2 MIL


Pliers, Cutters and Digital Scales


_MG_5747Cutters _MG_5748Pliers _MG_5752DigiWeigh 600mg Digital Pocket Scale


Trays and Display Boxes


1 1/2 Inch Plastic Stackable Tray
14 3/4 x 8 1/4 x 1 1/2
_MG_5759Black Velvet Insert Pads  3″ Black Covered Wood Tray
_MG_5777-EditRiker Tray /w Glass Top
14 3/8 x 7 7/8 x 3/4


Neck Stands


18 inches high

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